JavaScript Variable Declarations: Exploring the Differences between Var, Let, and Const

JavaScript Variable Declarations: Exploring the Differences between Var, Let, and Const

Exploring the Scoping and Mutability Differences between var, let, and const and how to Avoid Common JavaScript Variable Declaration Mistakes

Variables in Javascript are used to give identity to storage locations with specific values. They are basically used to provide identity to values and store them in memory. There are three ways of declaring variables in Javascript which are var, let and const. var declaration was one of the first ways of declaring variables in Javascript until the intervention of ES6, then let and const declarations were introduced. In this article, we would be looking at each of these variable declaration methods with respect to their use and scopes.


The initial way to declare variables in Javascript before the intervention of ES6 was using var, but there were some concerns associated with using var to declare variables. Now, let's get into them.

Scope of var

The scope of a variable simply means the part of the code where that particular variable is available for use. var declarations can be globally scoped and locally scoped also. It is global when it is declared outside of a function while it is local when it is declared inside of a function.

//Globally scoped
var name = "john";

//Locally scoped
function aged(){
    var age = "18"


In the code above, name is globally scoped and can be accessed from anywhere in the code, while age is locally scoped and can only be accessed inside the function.

function aged(){
    var age = "18"
console.log("age") //ReferenceError: age is not defined

If we try to access the age variable from outside of the function, we get a reference error stating that age is not defined.

Hoisting of var

Hoisting is the process whereby a declared variable is moved to the top of its scope before it is executed. var variables are initialized automatically on declaration with undefined.

var day = "monday"

The code above outputs "undefined" to the console because it interprets the code as below:

var day;
console.log(day) //undefined
day = "monday"

As we can see, the var variable is hoisted and initialized with a value of undefined.

Redeclaration of var variables

Variables declared with var can be redeclared and can also be updated.

var name = "John"
var name = "David"
//the above variable was redeclared

var age = 14
age = 12
//the above variable was updated

both instances above are valid and would run perfectly.

Limitations of var

var name = "John"
var age = 18

    if (age > 17){
        name = "Mr john"
console.log(name) //output: Mr John

As we can see from the code snippet above, the variable name was redeclared inside of the function and it changed the overall output of the code. While this might not be a problem assuming we willingly wanted to redeclare the variable, it becomes a problem when we unintentionally assign a variable a name that has previously been assigned to another variable thereby resulting in an error or undesired results in code. Therefore var declarations are only advised when writing very short pieces of code.


The introduction of the let declaration was a significant upgrade to the previous var declaration as it addressed most of the flaws associated with var. Now let's take a closer look at the let declaration

Scope of let

let declarations are block scoped which implies that they can only be accessed within the block of code in which they were created and not outside of it. Any attempt to access it from outside its block scope would result in an error.

let weather = "rainy"
if(weather === "rainy"){
    let advice = "please use an umbrella"
    console.log(advice); //output: please use an umbrella
console.log(advice); //ReferenceError: advice is not defined

from the code snippet above, we can see that we are not able to access the advice variable from outside its scope because as we said earlier, let declarations are block scoped.

Hoisting of let

Just like var, let variables are hoisted to the top of their scope but are not initialized. Any attempt to use a let declaration before its initialization will result in an error

console.log(name); //error:cannot access name variable before  initialization
let name = "Precious"

Redeclaration of let

let variables can be updated but can be redeclared, within its scope.

let name = "Precious"
name = "Aziken"
console.log(name); //output = Aziken

the above code would run smoothly as the name variable was only updated and not redeclared.

let name = "Precious"
let name = "Aziken"
console.log(name); //SyntaxError: name has already been declared

as we can see from the code snippet above, when we tried to redeclare the name variable, we got an error in the console telling us that the name variable had already been declared previously. However, if the declaration were in different scopes, it would not result in an error because Javascript would run both as two separate instances. Take a look at the code snippet below:

let name = "Precious"
let water = "colorless"

if (water === "colorless"){
    let name = "Aziken"
    console.log(name); //output: Aziken

console.log(name);//output: Precious

This doesn't cause an error because the declarations are present in different scopes, so javascript interpreted them as separate instances of code that are not related to each other. This is a significant upgrade to the previous var declaration because you don't have to bother about whether you had used the declaration somewhere else in the code because the variable only exists within its scope.


The introduction of const variable declaration in ES6 was also an upgrade to the previous version in which var was used as reduced the chances of error in the sense that any variable that had already been declared with const cannot be changed within its scope.

Scope of const

Just like let, const declarations are blocked scoped and therefore cannot be accessed from outside of their scope.

Hoisting of const

Again, just like let, const declarations are hoisted to the top of their scope but are not initialized.

Redeclaration of const

As the name implies const variables are constant meaning they don't change. They can neither be redeclared nor updated within its scope.

const name = "Precious"
name = "Aziken"
console.log(name); //error: assignment to constant variable

Trying to update the variable above with a new value results in an error.

const name = "Precious"
const name = "Aziken"
console.log(name); //error: name has already been declared

Also, trying to redeclare a variable in the code snippet above results in an error as const declarations can also not be redeclared.

Now, let's take a recap of all we have learned so far:




They are locally and globally scoped.

They are block scoped.

They are block scoped.

Hoisted to the top of its scope and initialized with undefined.

Hoisted to the top of its scope, but is not initialized.

Hoisted to the top of its scope, but is not initialized.

Can be declared without initialization.

Can be declared without initialization.

Must be initialized on its declaration.

Can be updated or redeclared within its scope.

Can only be updated within its scope.

Can neither be redeclared nor updated.


We have come to the end of this article and we should now be able to determine when to use let or const declaration when writing Javascript code. I would advise against using var and just sticking to let and const alone to make the code written up to standard.